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Formalities/Legal notice
Missing pictogram on tank containers with climbing assistance
In light of recent events, we should point out in the case of transport units with climbing assistance that the pictogram shown below must be attached to the transport unit next to every fixed ladder:

There has recently been an increase in the number of transport units being delivered without this pictogram. This means that the transport units are found to be defective by the wagon inspector during final checks on the loaded train. They then have to be unloaded and the pictogram has to be attached. The terminals are obliged to refuse transport units with missing pictograms during check-in for shipment by rail.

We therefore ask you to carry out detailed checks on the equipment used.

Any questions on this subject can be answered by:
Kombiverkehr, Operations, Manager Wagon Resource Planning, Kristian Kölsche
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-3 31 or kkoelsche@kombiverkehr.de