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Kiel – Göteborg-Majnabbe v.v.: Dangerous goods transport now possible under Baltic Sea Memorandum of Understanding
The Kiel – Göteborg-Majnabbe service operated by Stena Line can now be used to carry transport units under the Baltic Sea Memorandum of Understanding with immediate effect. There are restrictions on transport units with dangerous goods, however, since the ferries on this route carry passengers. Stena Line operated solely as an IMDG line until the end of 2017. Customers can now use it for shipments in accordance with both the Baltic Sea Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the IMDG code. Kombiverkehr last published the requirements for taking dangerous goods on this route in accordance with the IMDG code in the 2018 Price Regulations for Northern Europe.

The possible distinctions between the dangerous goods that can be carried in accordance with the Baltic Sea Memorandum of Understanding, depending on the number of passengers, are not practicable on the above route. This is why the MoU chart from Stena Line only contains the regulations for passenger ships.
In the case of a ban under the MoU, the IMDG code and the UN number can be checked to find out whether it is in fact possible for a transport unit to be shipped. Transport may also depend on limited space if only a certain amount of 'on-deck congestion' is permitted. However, the final decision on what to transport rests with the officer on board.

The MoU chart serves as a guide; the decisive factors are mixed loads and separation on board. Stena Line is currently conducting risk assessments for specific mixed loads. It may decide not to carry any freight that fails this assessment. As a consequence, it is important that copies of end-to-end bookings are also sent to the freight department of Stena Line for checking: freightbooking.de@stenaline.com.

More information about dangerous goods can be obtained from:
Kombiverkehr, Operations, Manager Hazardous Goods and Waste Transports, Ullrich Lück
Phone +49 40/74 05 19 60 or ulueck@kombiverkehr-gefahrgut.de