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Terminals and agencies
Improved storage conditions at Leipzig-Wahren Ubf terminal
As of 1 July 2017 Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene – Straße mbH now offers an additional day of free storage on arrival at Leipzig-Wahren Ubf terminal. The terms and conditions of storage in the chargeable area have also been reduced as follows:

TU length up to and including 7.82 metres
-    Up to 6th day of storage after arrival €6.50/day     NEW: €6.00/day
-    From 7th day of storage after arrival €13.00/day   NEW: €12.00/day

TU length over 7.82 metres
-    Up to 6th day of storage after arrival €13.00/day    NEW: €12.00/day
-    From 7th day of storage after arrival €26.00/day    NEW: €24.00/day

Please refer to the website www.kombiverkehr.com > Transport > Terminals & Agencies for details of the terms and conditions of storage.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Kombiverkehr, Operations, Manager Terminals, Process Organisation & Projects, Daniel Jähn
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-3 17 or djaehn@kombiverkehr.de