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Early booking for transport to and from Lübeck port areas
Please note the following information when booking transport to or from the Lübeck port areas:

South-north transports:
When booking with Kombiverkehr for northbound rail transport to the Nordlandkai, Lehmannkai, Seelandkai or Dänischburg parts of the Port of Lübeck, please book the subsequent ship transport with the respective shipping company on the day of departure from the departure terminal, but not later than 24 hours before the train is due to arrive in Lübeck. This booking is required because transfers have to be coordinated with the relevant shipping company and trucking capacities scheduled in good time.

If the shipping company does not receive the booking as described and we are as a result unable to ensure prompt transfer, the transport unit will remain in the transshipment terminal in Lübeck Skandinavienkai for the time being. According to our price regulations, the costs of interim storage will be charged to the customer as en-route costs.

If additional expenses are incurred at the request or through the fault of the customer, a handling fee of EUR 10 per accounting document will also be charged in addition to the en-route costs.

North-south transports:
In the other direction, i.e. for southbound rail transport from the Nordlandkai, Lehmannkai, Seelandkai or Dänischburg parts of the port, Kombiverkehr must receive a booking 24 hours before the transport unit is due to arrive by ship so that trucking capacities can be scheduled. Again, a late booking can lead to demurrage costs in the above terminals.

If the transport units arrive at Lübeck Skandinavienkai by ship, transfer of the units from the ship to the Baltic Rail Gate terminal is generally included in the sea freight. However, this presupposes that Kombiverkehr has received a corresponding booking for onward transport by rail by the time the ship arrives. Additional costs and fees such as transfer costs, storage fees and handling fees may also be incurred.

Further information can be obtained from:
Kombiverkehr, Sales, Manager North European Transport & German Baltic Sea Ports, Ulrich Bedacht
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-2 44 or ubedacht@kombiverkehr.de