With the help of innovative production processes and new digital applications, the KV-HUB project aims to test new solutions in combined transport. Based on the hub-and-spoke approach known and successfully practiced by other modes of transport, the aim is to demonstrate that this additional potential can be competitively integrated into the future CT market by incorporating innovative handling technologies. To this end, an important hub for the shunting-free formation of single-destination trains with loading units from different stations of origin will be created at the Lehrte site. The reciprocal linking of at least four new train connections will create a total of 50 commercially usable terminal-terminal relations for environmentally friendly freight transport by rail. In addition, existing optimization models for increasing the efficiency of CT networks will be adapted and redesigned in cooperation with the Department of Management and Logistics at TU Darmstadt and used in the project in the form of several optimization applications.

The overall aim of the "KV-HUB" project is to improve the economic efficiency of combined transport by testing new, innovative CT services in order to increase the competitiveness and logistics capability of rail freight transport as a whole. The focus is on piloting and validating efficient and innovative bundling concepts at the new terminal location in Hanover/Lehrte
- Kombiverkehr Deutsche Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH & Co. KG
- TU Darmstadt, Department of Management and Logistics
01.04.2021 – 31.12.2024