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Terminals and agencies
eu.NETdirekt+: New email address for documents for Turkey and Greece services via Trieste
Please note that a new email address has been set up for document management for all Turkey and Greece services via Trieste. To enable us to optimise and enhance our service in Trieste for import and export shipments, please use the following two email addresses from now on when sending any relevant documents, such as customs and dangerous goods information.

documents-trieste@emterminals.com (as before)
documents.trieste@agenturen.kombiverkehr.net (new)

Please put the following information in the subject line of the email:
“Departure terminal – destination terminal, number of transport unit, name of booking customer”

Please remember to send one email for each transport unit to be booked.

If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact:
Kombiverkehr, Sales, Manager East and Southeast European Transport, Marijo Pesic
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-2 67 or mpesic@kombiverkehr.de