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Formalities/Legal notice
Communication of verified gross mass of transport units for shipment on seagoing vessels by means of certified procedure

Since July 2016 the internationally applicable "Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS)" has required shipping companies to ensure that the total weight (verified gross mass) of transport units has been calculated by means of a certified procedure before they can be loaded onto a ship. Details of the verified gross mass must be sent to the shipping company in good time, i.e. before the transport unit is loaded onto the ship.

Scope of the SOLAS Convention for first and final legs by rail
The provisions of the SOLAS Convention only apply to shipments with Kombiverkehr if part of the route is covered by ship and Kombiverkehr books the maritime transport directly with a shipping company. Kombiverkehr is not obliged to notify the shipping company of the verified gross mass of any shipments for which our customers arrange the maritime section themselves. This is the responsibility of the person who orders the maritime transport.

Services in the Kombiverkehr network affected by the SOLAS Convention
Based on current information, Kombiverkehr only needs the "verified gross mass" on end-to-end routes to and from Turkey and Greece (via Trieste) and to and from Finland.

The only document that may be used as evidence of the "verified gross mass" is a weighing note/slip. This must be signed by a person at the loading point who is responsible for weighing. An electronic signature may be used.

Empty transport units
Please state the unladen weight of the transport unit as marked on the transport unit itself.

Practical application of the SOLAS Convention
When booking - or, at the latest, when dropping off - transport units on the Trieste – Greece/Turkey v.v. and Germany – Finland v.v. services, please send a weighing note, as described above, to the relevant agency in:

Trieste, e-mail: documents-trieste@emterminals.com
or Lübeck, e-mail: kvluebeck@intermodalservices.de
or Rostock, e-mail: rtm-terminal@portofrostock.de
(as with customs/hazardous goods/waste documents).

On the Turkey/Greece - Trieste v.v. and Finland - Germany v.v. services, please hand the weighing note to the relevant shipping company when dropping off your consignment at the departure terminal. Kombiverkehr will assume no responsibility for information that is not communicated in good time or in full. Anyone sending weighing slips/notes on the mail train will do so at their own risk.

We will notify you immediately if we receive any more information about SOLAS or if other services are affected.

Any questions on this subject can be answered by:
Kombiverkehr, Operations, Advisor Shipping & Customs, Ulf Schroedter
Phone +49 69/79 50 52 72 or uschroedter@kombiverkehr.de