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Formalities/Legal notice
Administration fee for unsealed locking devices, dome covers and covering caps

Our train operations continue to be held up on a regular basis due to open dome covers and/or inadequately sealed caps on dome covers. Open dome covers/covering caps pose a threat to the safety of the overhead line and result in the affected trains being stopped at the nearest suitable station.

As there has been no significant improvement in this situation since we last pointed it out and we need to solve the problem in the short and long term, we are left with no other option other than to charge an administration fee of 150 euros with immediate effect for every loading unit which causes a train to be delayed or has to be withdrawn or have its cover adjusted owing to open/raised locking devices, dome covers and covering caps. We also reserve the right to pass on additional consequential costs in the event of damage or loss. These costs can run into thousands of euros.

We would urge you to take all necessary steps to ensure that the dome covers and covering caps on your containers are not only closed after loading and unloading, but also tightly secured so as to prevent them from working loose and opening during transport by rail. Please pass on this information to your drivers and partners (for loading/unloading) so that they can check the dome covers and covering caps again prior to delivery at the terminal.

Any questions can be answered by:
Kombiverkehr, Manager Wagon Resource Planning, Kristian Kölsche
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-3 31, Fax +49 69/7 95 05-3 09
or kkoelsche@kombiverkehr.de