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Additional departure Ludwigshafen (Rh) BASF - Lübeck-Skandienavienkai v.v.

In August 2016 Kombiverkehr upped the existing number of departures between Ludwigshafen (Rh) BASF and Lübeck-Skandienavienkai from five to six a week in each direction. The service starts from Ludwigshafen on 6 August with Saturday as the newly introduced departure day (closing time for acceptance12.15), and in Lübeck on 8 August with Monday as the newly introduced departure day (closing time for acceptance 20.00). You can obtain detailed timetable information on this additional capacity from the online timetable at www.kombiverkehr.com.

Any questions on this product can be answered by:
Kombiverkehr, Sales, Manager North European Transport & German Baltic Sea Ports, Ulrich Bedacht
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-244 or ubedacht@kombiverkehr.de