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Formalities/Legal notice
Spare wheel holder on semitrailers
As a matter of urgency, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that any spare wheels on trailers must without fail be properly secured in a fully functional holder. It must be ensured at all times that the holder is not deformed and that the cage attachment on the semitrailer cannot come loose during the journey. Structural modifications to the spare wheel holder may lead to restrictions during loading onto the pocket wagon or even to damage when lifting by crane or in transit.

As the pocket wagons usually have a trough with the opening facing downwards in the area of the spare wheel, a spare wheel constitutes a significant operational hazard if it slips or even gets lost. This can cause the wagon to be derailed in some circumstances. Please therefore check semitrailer attachments on a regular basis to ensure that they are properly secured.

If you have any questions on this subject, please contact:
Kombiverkehr, Manager Transport Unit & Wagon Management, Kristian Kölsche
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-3 31 or kkoelsche@kombiverkehr.de