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New edition of the UIRR "Combined transport with dangerous goods" brochure available as PDF
As part of the ADR / RID 2019, the familiar UIRR brochure on "Combined Transport with dangerous
goods" has been completely revised and brought up to date. As well as general content, this
information brochure offers a guide to the most important statutory provisions for the transport of
dangerous goods in Combined Transport. It also contains advice and examples on the identification of
transport units with dangerous goods.

We are happy to provide the UIRR brochure for you to download. It is available in various languages
on our "Hazardous goods" page and in the download area of our website.

If you have any questions about hazardous goods, please contact:
Ullrich Lück, Manager Hazardous Goods and Waste Transports
Phone +49 40/74 05 19 60 or ulueck@kombiverkehr-gefahrgut.de