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New connections and capacity increases to and from Hannover Lehrte
Kombiverkehr has already been offering three weekly train departures via the MegaHub Hannover Lehrte fast transshipment facility to Mertz's Malmö intermodal terminal in Sweden since August. At the beginning of September, the service offer was extended to four departures per week and direction. At the same time, Hamburg-Billwerder and the Port of Kiel have also been connected to the innovative transport network in national and international traffic. Both routes are served five times a week, and in Kiel there are calls at Schwedenkai and Ostuferhafen. Kombiverkehr offers further capacity increases with now five weekly departures in both directions from and to Lübeck CTL (Lehmann Terminal), Munich-Riem and Verona Interterminal. Duisburg Ruhrort Hafen DUSS has been expanded to four departures per week and direction. The connections are designed so that the trains arrive between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. and have only short standing times, so that loading units are transferred particularly quickly.

If you are interested in this offer, please contact:
Ulrich Bedacht, Sales, Manager North European Transport & German Baltic Sea Ports
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-2 44 or ubedacht@kombiverkehr.de