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New booking point for shipments from Malmö Kombiterminal to Köln-Eifeltor (direct train)
There is now a new booking point for shipments from Malmö KT to Köln-Eifeltor using our direct train via Denmark. All bookings from Malmö KT and all gateway services from Alnabru and the Swedish antennae (Arsta/Gävle/Göteborg KT/Sandarne/Sundsvall) to Köln-Eifeltor must in future be booked via the HUPAC online booking system. This can be reached at https://www.cesar-online.com/booking/index.htm.

If you need a password to use the application, please contact our partner company HUPAC directly.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Kombiverkehr, Sales, Head of Northern Europe and German Baltic Sea Ports, Ulrich Bedacht
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-244 or ubedacht@kombiverkehr.de