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More train departures in traffic with Mortara and new connection to Venlo in the Netherlands
With frequency increases and a new terminal connection in traffic between Italy, Germany and Benelux, Kombiverkehr offers an expanded range of intermodal services on this important European transport corridor via Switzerland. The trains between Mortara and Krefeld and Mortara and Rotterdam CTT have been expanded to a total of five round trips per week. As of 20 September, the existing service on the Mortara - Ghent v.v. connection will be increased from five to six weekly train departures in both directions.

Also in September, the terminal in Venlo, the Netherlands, was added to the Benelux/Italy service offering with five departures per week and direction.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about these connections:
Andrea De Ambrogi, Sales, Product Manager Benelux
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-1 82 or adeambrogi@kombiverkehr.de