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Market survey for a rail connection between DK-Taulov and DK-Aalborg Östhavn Ubf

Kombiverkehr and DB Schenker Rail Danmark are currently investigating the possibility of introducing a service between Taulov and Aalborg Östhavn Ubf, the container station that serves as a hub for Greenland traffic. Two departures per week in each direction are being considered. From Taulov there is access via Hamburg to many destinations in Kombiverkehr's European network.

If you are interested in the above routes, please contact:
Kombiverkehr, International Transport, Manager North European Transport & German Baltic Sea Ports, Ulrich Bedacht,
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-2 44, Fax +49 69/7 95 05-2 69
or ubedacht@kombiverkehr.de