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Formalities/Legal notice
Information on dangerous goods shipments via Lübeck and Rostock
In the light of recent events, please note the following changes applicable from 1 January 2015 for transports via Lübeck and Rostock on ships that operate in the Baltic Sea in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding:

Section 7 Additional duties for the consignors (Baltic Sea Memorandum of Understanding)

(3) When liquid dangerous goods are to be transported, with a flashpoint of 60°C or below (closed cup (c.c.)), it shall be declared whether the flashpoint is < 23°C or ≥ 23°C, so that the person(s) responsible for loading of the cargo can be properly informed and cargo stowed accordingly. Please give our agency staff this information when booking or, at the latest, when delivering the loading unit.

Questions about hazardous goods and waste can be answered by:
Kombiverkehr, Manager Hazardous Goods & Waste Transports, Ullrich Lück
Phone +49 40/74 05 19 60, Fax +49 40/74 05 19 69
or ulueck@kombiverkehr-gefahrgut.de